Fourth of July Parade
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It’s a Fourth of July tradition! The Taylor Regional Hospital Fourth of July Parade is one of the biggest events of the Celebration. Thousands of people line the streets to see the floats, fire engines, Shriners, patriotic entries, tractors, horses, and more. Find a spot along Main Street and enjoy the parade.
This year’s parade will be on Thursday, July 4th, starting at 10 am. Volunteers will be placing large signs at all parade staging areas beginning the week of June 17th to promote awareness prior to this year’s parade.

Parade Rules and Line-Up
Parade Rules
Are you planning on attending or participating in this year’s Taylor Regional Hospital Fourth of July Parade? While it is our goal to ensure that all spectators and participants have an amazing experience, it’s also our number one priority to ensure the safety of all in attendance. All parade participants are expected to adhere to these four very important rules:
This is THE most important rule as we have many little ones to think about and protect. Simply put, small children are not capable of watching out for themselves in this type of environment. Additionally, thrown objects can injure parade spectators. Instead, parade participants are permitted to walk alongside their entries and hand out candy and other giveaways (with the exception of bottled water, which is plentiful and free from numerous local and civic groups all up and down Main Street; please do not hand out bottled water as it slows down the parade route). Participants must stay alongside their entries at all times, neither walking ahead of nor falling behind, as we must keep up our parade moving along. - REFRAIN FROM SOUNDING SIRENS AND HORNS WHILE IN-BETWEEN BUILDINGS ON MAIN STREET:
Excessive use of sirens and air horns are discouraged out of interest for the wellfare of our parade spectators; however, all vehicles equipped with air horns and/or sirens are PROHIBITED from sounding them while travelling between buildings on the parade route. The Main Street section of the parade route is designated as a “Quiet Zone,” and we ask that you do not sound sirens or air horns along this portion of the parade route. - DO NOT STOP FOR ANY REASON OTHER THAN AN EMERGENCY:
In other words, keep the parade moving! Large gaps in between entries slow the parade down and create additional safety issues for spectators who might attempt to cross the street. - BE COURTEOUS TO OTHER PARTICIPANTS AND BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS:
Watch for children, other vehicles, and spectators. No wheelies, tire spinning by motorcycles, dirt bikes, 4-wheelers, or ATVs are permitted.
The parade route will be staffed with our Committee VOLUNTEERS who give of their time freely to ensure that the parade route flows smoothly and that all participants are adhering to these rules. Remember, our volunteers are here for you and want everyone to be safe and enjoy themselves. Be sure to share these rules to help us spread the word. Be sure to check out social media outlets for weekly updates and information on this year’s parade, brought to you by Taylor Regional Hospital!
Staging Areas
Starting this year, volunteers will be placing large signs at all parade staging areas beginning the week of June 17th to promote awareness of the parade staging areas prior to this year’s parade.
The staging areas for the parade are as follows:
STAGING AREA #1: MLK Blvd at Allen Street
Honor Guard
American Legion
All walking units
STAGING AREA #2: Campbellsville Elementary School – corner of Roberts Road and MLK Blvd
Grand Marshal
Local-Mayor, County Judge-Executive, other City and County Officials
State and Federal Officers
Candidates running for office
STAGING AREA #3: Water Tower Bypass – Roberts Road & Industrial Drive (former Parker Kalon parking lot)
Classic cars
Decorated entires not participanting in the Float Contest
STAGING AREA #4: Water Tower Bypass – WEG factory parking lot
*Staging area for entries needing final decorations*
Pageant entries
Ball teams
Four-wheelers & ATVs
STAGING AREA #5: Water Tower Bypass – Frost-Arnett parking lot
STAGING AREA #6: Premier Truck & Car – 111 Roberts Road (must be in staging area by 8:30 AM)
Dump trucks
Other large trucks